Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


Chicago on my Mind

Chicago keeps on going. Today we are going to shop on Michigan Ave. (Not that we can really afford anything, but it is neat to go to stores that we don't have in Northwest Arkansas.) I am looking forward to going to the Apple store. I hate to admit it, but I am becoming more and more interested in their products.

They are hitting it out of the park in design. Their products are just neat. I can't afford them, but they are neat.

I got the opportunity to see the new OSX 10.4 operating system thanks to my good friend Jason of Jason was a PC head for a long time until just lately when he was using a PC at work and then cheating on the PC at night with his wife's Powerbook. Now, he is a powerbook owner. I went to his house and saw how it works and I was very impressed. I want one, but I don't have the money, and if I had the money, there are other bills that need to be paid before I drop the 1900 or 2500 dollars it takes to get a nice Apple.

Check Out the New Podcast

Jason also kicked off his podcast yesterday. You need to give it a listen. There is a link in his blog at

MurDog OUT!!!

PS I love you Mary Hadley and Wyatt. Mommy and Daddy will be home tomorrow!!!!!!!!!


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