Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


Blessed Days of College Football

Blessed days are here again. This is wonderful. I am spending the day gorging myself on college football. I love it. Even if I don't care about the teams that are playing, it is still great to take a whole day and do nothing but watch football. The only blemish on my perfect record of sloth today is that we finally found some shoes for Wyatt.

No joke, we have been looking for some new shoes for Wyatt for a whole month. You see, Wyatt has some extremely wide feet which makes it surprisingly hard to find some shoes. We have gone to nearly every shoe store in Fayetteville and Rogers to no avail. Finally today, we went to Kohl's (not a shoestore) in Rogers and finally found some New Balances that fit...well sorta. We had to buy 2 sizes too big, but that will let him wear these shoes for a long time which makes my pocket book happy!

Other than the shoe shopping, I have done nothing but watch football, and it is 4:20 and I don't foresee anything changing....except for maybe a trip to the supermarket for a bag of chips or something.

MH Update
Mary Hadley just walked over to me to show me her blue tongue. We have some multi-colored animal crackers... apparently, the last one she ate was blue...


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