Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


In Oklahoma City

Megan, the Kids and I are in Oklahoma City at the wedding of a dear friend. Shannon Blake is about to become Shannon Walker. A girl who grew up in Oklahoma, and went to school at Arkansas is marrying a boy from Texas. How's that for a love triangle?

After work on Thursday, we all piled into the Durango and drove the 3 1/2 hour drive and spent the night with some new friends. Carmen and Donnie Bond live here in Oklahoma City, and are great friends with Shannon.

Megan has been friends with Shannon for a long time, and it was great to find new friends in the bonds. They are a lot like us, and they are fun to hang out with.

Michele, Megan's other really close friend, just rolled into town, and they are staying with the Bonds tonight. We are now in the Waterford Marriott Hotel (Expensive Internet) and that is how we are blogging.

Michele lives in Pennsylvania. Megan, the kiddos, and I went to her wedding two months ago. She married a really cool guy and it is great to see them again. Tonight at dinner, she asked me why I havn't blogged much lately, and I realized that there are actually more people who read this than I thought. I know there are some NWA friends that read this, but it is cool to hear that people in Pennsylvania are reading it too. Michele said this is how she keeps up with the family.

That inspired me to get on tonight and post a new entry.

The wedding is tomorrow. Mary Hadley is the flower girl, and Wyatt is the ring bearer. Megan is a Bridesmaid..matron.. whatever, and I am videoing the wedding. It is a family affair. I plan on taking some pictures with my camera phone and posting them here tomorrow.

Wyatt tried on the tux today and he was simply dashing! What a deal. I am so proud.

And speaking of proud. Wyatt pooped on the potty twice today. I think he is finally getting potty trained. That would be cool. He has had the same pull-up on for like 7 hours and it is still dry. He tells us he needs to go potty. We can only hope. I am tired of stinky diapers. Flushing is much better than throwing in the trash. I dream of a nice smelling house again.

MurDog OUT!!!!!


Blogger Brett said...

Elise and I stayed in the honeymoon suite at the Waterford on the first night of our married life together... cool.

10:21 AM

Blogger Murray Williams said...

Yeah, it is really nice. Valet Parking... near about 50 pancake houses. We are enjoying it.


2:06 PM


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