Choo Choo Train
Wyatt loves trains. All 3 year olds.. well who am I kidding.. all guys have fixations, things that we spend in ordianate amounts of time thinking about. Wyatt, my son is no different. He loves trains.. In case you missed that, HE LOVES TRAINS. A couple of weeks ago, we took him to see The Polar Express. It was the first movie he ever sat all the way through. (And, that includes a little 12 - 15 minute movie we saw about the making of chocolate at Hershey Park last month.) The train held him in rapt attention.
Well yesterday, we were able to do something for him that he will never forget. We had his birthday party on a train ride from Springdale to Fayetteville. It was a Christmas train. Wyatt loved it.
The really bad thing is, I had already promised my time to someone to help out on a project that is due VERY soon, and I couldn't go on the train ride. I saw the pictures though, and I am so excited for him.
I did get the project done earlier than expected, so I did get to come home in time for the cake and playing with the little man.
We will have to do that again.