Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


My Dedicated Podcast Blog page

I decided to set up a blog page specifically for my podcast. I thought it was a little confusing to have the podcasts intermingled with my blog so I made Now, if you are already subscribed to my podcast feed, no worries mate, the feed still works. (iTunes may redownload some shows you have already listened to but that's alright...just delete them or listen for a second time! Going on from here it will be much simpler!

If you don't know how to subscribe using iTunes, check out my post from June 29th. It isn't a step by step, but it will get you close. Really, it is pretty simple... I think you can figure it out!

MurDog OUT!!!


Videocast Not Working???

Hey, I attached a video to my podcast. There is a problem though...well not a problem. It is just that I used a brand new video codec. (h.264). It is a high quality video codec used in Quicktime 7. Now, if you have a PC you have to jump through some hoops to get it to work. You have to download a beta. (Mac users can download Quicktime 7. Go do it now!)

If you are on PC you can download the beta here:

Once you download Quicktime 7 and install it, the video will work.

MurDog OUT!!!


The MurDog VideoLog 01 - The Chairlift

This is my first Videocast. You can download it, but you will need quicktime in order to view it. If you are already subscribed to my feed in the newest version of iTunes, you will be able to view the video there.

Mary Hadley and Wyatt ride to the top of a Ski Mountain in the summer time.

MurDog OUT!!!


The MurDog Podcast #04

The MurDog Podcast #04 is now available!

The Opening Music is by Kasino a Scottish band I heard on the Tartan Podcast.

Show Notes:
The Changed Life Podcast
This Week in Tech

Be looking for some video log entries coming soon!!!

MurDog Out!!!