Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


The MurDog Podcast is in the Paper

The MurDog Podcast made it to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. The cool thing is my podcast and an interview I did with the newspaper shares space with Leo LaPorte. Leo is a host on G4 on a show called "Call for Help." He has been a fixture on cable for a very long time. He is one of the biggies when it comes to tech, and he and I are quoted in the same article. That is pretty cool.

I don't want to come off sounding like a big self-promoter, but I am excited.

You do need to listen to the latest MurDog Podcast. I tell a story at the end of the podcast which is worth the price of admission.

It is fun to have received some notoriety for a hobby. That is all it is though... just some fun. I hope you enjoy!

MurDog OUT!!!