Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


Picture Day with Mary Hadley

I went with Mary Hadley today on a picture day. I had my new Canon 20D, and Mary Hadley was using my old Fujifilm S5000. We went around town looking for things to photograph. Mary Hadley is 5 and this is her best picture of the day.

I let her shoot whatever she wanted. And, all in all, especially for a 5 year old, she came back with some very interesting photographs.

Leave a comment and I will pass it on to Mary Hadley.

MurDog OUT!!! Posted by Picasa


Main Street Studios

Thanks to Mark Jackson at Main Street Studios (479)524-2004. No offense to my close photographer friends...but he is the best one I know. Posted by Picasa


Maitlyn & Mary Hadley

Maitlyn & Mary Hadley
Originally uploaded by brett harkey.
Mary Hadley went to her friend Maitlyn's birthday party.

Thanks Brett for the cool pic.