Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


My Birthday Pictures are Up!

You need to check out the pictures from MurDog's 32nd birthday party. They are freshly uploaded and ready for your viewing pleasure!

Now You Can Make Comments

There is a comment feature now available if you are interested. If there is something you like or dislike about one of my posts, or you just want to say hi, click on the comments link at the bottom of any of my newer posts and make your comment. The link will take you to a page that will ask you for a username and password. If you are user then enter your username and password so that we can know who you are. If you are not a user then you can post anonymously. If you do, at least leave a screen name or something.

Have fun with the comments.

MurDog OUT!!!

PS. I just added a new section there to the right called "links" these are links to blogs that belong to my friends. You need to check those out too. (Jason is working on his right now so it might not be up right now, but it will be soon from what I here!)

Good Free Spam Filtering!

Now my blog sounds like spam. Sorry about that, but I just found what seems to be a really good product for filtering spam out of your Outlook email box. It runs right inside Outlook, it finds and removes all the spam you receive pretty darn well, and it is free.

I know you are asking yourself right now, what is the catch... and as far as I can tell, there isn't any. The program is call Spambayes, and it is an open-source program. Programmers have come together to build a program for the betterment of society... can you believe that? Well, neither can I. They do have a paid version that gives you some more options, but for regular joes like you and me this product works pretty well.

I first heard about it on The Screen Savers, a tv show on TechTV last night. One of the guys on the show, Leo Laporte, did a quick segment. He has a quick page that will give you the low-down on how to use Spambayes.

I will say that you need to read all the instructions because the download and install a bit tricky, but don't let that scare you. It is worth a little reading.

I am using it right now on my laptop, and it seems to work pretty well. Granted, I almost only get spam on the email account that I access on my laptop, but I trained Spambayes what I thought was spam and now it does a bang up job of cleaning it out! I may even start using my email box again.

Read the article by Leo, and then download the program, and then read the instructions and baby it should do you up good. I think it is cool so far. If I find something I don't like about it I will blog it immediately.

MurDog OUT!!!


Testing from My Gmail Account

This seems to be working really well. The only proble that I am
seeing is the Blogger server is sending me an error email whenever I
send an email to my blog. It still publishes ok, but I get an error
message. Oh well, this is the first day of this so a couple of bugs
ok with me. I am sure they will iron this out.

I also figured out that if you send a formatted HTML email, Blogger
will keep your formatting which is cool on one hand because you could
make a really cool looking blog, but on the other hand, is not so good
because inadvertantly, you could send in blogs that don't look
anything like the look and feel of your page.

Let's not get too technical. After this blog, it will be back to
business as usual. The testing of the new Blogger features is now

MurDog OUT!!!

Email Test 2

I wanted to see if I could get this to work exactly like the posts that I do when I am at the site. What I am trying to see here is if the title works correctly.

MurDog OUT!!!

Blogger Testing through Email

This is a blog that was written by sending an email to my blog. How amazing is that. Thank you Blogger for being so cool and adding this functionality.

MurDog OUT!!!

Blogger is Updated

Blogger, the program I use to do this blog just updated their interface which means that I will be able to add some new things to this blog. I don't know if this is new, but there is a way to allow comments which means that my blog will become a little more interactive. You will be able to respond to my blogs. Neato.

NOT TO MENTION the new look and feel of this blog. (Ed Note..When this blog was written, I was test driving a new blog template. If it now looks like it always has then I didn't like the new look. It's my site... I can do that...)

The Birthday Weekend is Over

It has been great. I had an awesome birthday weekend. I am now 32. Holy smoke. What is up with that? As you can see by the pictures in the blog below, Megan and I did some major work in the backyard so it was really cool having all my friends over for my big birthday bash. I felt really proud of our house. (Not in the sinful way... the healthy way... get off my back...) There is a link to a picture in the blog below that shows how much we did. It is pretty amazing since I am basically a lazy guy who used to not like yard work.

I took a lot of pictures this weekend, but I havn't had the time to get them all published to my site. Be looking for those.

More Blogger Fun for Me

Another cool thing that blogger added is the ability to update this blog through email. I want to see how that works, so I am sure the blog above this one will be all about posting through email. You mark my words if it works it will be... IT WILL BE...

MurDog OUT!!!