Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


The Hogs are IN!!!

The Razorbacks just won their super-regional and they are going to Omaha Nebraska to play in the College World Series. They were pretty commanding this weekend, and they sent the Florida State Seminoles packing...... Sorry 'Noles!!!! You are Outta there!!!!

That is soooo exciting. It may be a long time before we can revel in an exciting Razorback team in any of the three major sports. The football razorbacks graduated almost everyone, I am afraid of what they are going to look like next fall. The only person returning from the starters last year is our quarterback Matt Jones. It could be scary. You can post a comment to this blog with your thoughts.

MurDog OUT!!!!

The First Audioblog

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Listen to my first audioblog. We were watching the second game in the Super Regional between the Razorbacks and the Florida State Seminoles on ESPN2.

The Actual First Audio Blog

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I thought this audioblog was lost forever. I didn't have all the settings correct when I called it in and I thought it was gone. That is why I called the other one the first audioblog. It was actually the second. Riveting... isn't it...

Go Hogs Go

All the Hogs have to do to clinch a berth in the College World series is either win today or tomorrow. I hate to think that typing this could jinx them, but GO HOGS GO!!! I want to see you in Omaha Nebraska, the College World Series!!!! Beat those stinky Seminoles from Florida!!!!!

MurDog OUT!!!

Ben's Game - Make-a-Wish

I just saw a great story about a young man named Ben Duskin a nine year old from San Francisco who is now in remission from Leukemia. He was given a wish from the Make a Wish foundation and he decided to design a video game that kind of told his story as a cancer patient. Don't get me wrong, I downloaded the game and it is kind of fun, but instead of shooting aliens or something, you are battling cancer and its effects. It is kind of cool.

But, back to ben... He told the Make-a-Wish foundation that he wanted to design a game, so they went to work. MaW contacted a number of game developers out there and received no interest. There were some big names on the list that I was surprised said no.

After contacting multiple game companies a guy at LucasARTS said that he was interested in helping out. So for 6 months he and Ben would meet at his office on Tuesdays. Their hard worked resulted in a neat little game. You should check it out.


Hoobastank Hoobastank Hoobastank

What to do with Hoobastank. They have two songs that I like, "Crawling in the Dark", and "The Reason". Those songs are cool, but is it worth it to buy one of their CDs? They are one of the great maybe bands on my music horizon. Are they worth the $12.00 to get their CD?

It has been my experience in the past with bands like this that you can like one of their songs and then go buy their CD only to find out that the song on the radio is the only good song on the CD. What to do???


Swim Swimmin' with Mary Hadley

Well, it just happened, the first swim of the summer season. Mary Hadley and I went down to the Arkansas Athlete's Outreach Complex to swim with the big kids. The Junior High Summer interns planned a big swim/Dodge Ball party and we were invited.

Mary Hadley loves swimming, but she is a little scared so she holds on tight when we are in the pool. We spent most the evening with her standing on the side of the pool and me in the pool reassuring her that I was going to catch her if she would just jump. We worked and worked at it and by the end of the night, she was getting a little more brave.

We came up with another really fun game. Mary Hadley would stand on the steps and she would push me over and I would fall into the water. MH thought that was a riot. In between the high level negotiations between me and MH trying to convince her to jump in the pool and her shoving me into the pool, we had a great time.

The only problem was since it is so early in the season, the water was a little cool, and it was sprinkling so there was no sun. It was no time before MH's teeth were chattering. I kept asking her if she as cold, but she kept saying "no". She wouldn't allow herself to feel the cold if that meant that she might have to get out of the pool.

I am going to continue to work with her so that she can learn how to swim. I know she will have even more fun when she learns how to swim. And, if she can have more fun than she had tonight, that would be saying something.