Murray Williams lives and works in Northwest Arkansas. He tries to keep his blog up-to-date, but the pressures of life squeeze in and sometimes he just doesn't have the time. You can check out his full site at


Support Free Wi-Fi Businesses

I am sitting in a coffee shop in Fayetteville that provides a free Wi-Fi connection to you if you have a Wi-Fi enabled laptop. It is really cool. I can sit here and eat my lunch and write this blog. I love it. In fact, I came to this place specifically beause I could access the net here. It makes sense for companies like coffee shops to offer wireless connections for free. It brings in customers. I love it. If you have a wireless laptop, find out the places that offer wireless Internet, and go there. Make sure you tell the employees that you enjoy access to the Internet. Let's keep these places open.

By the way, if you want to get free wireless in Fayetteville, go downtown to the square and look for a coffee shop call Jammin' Java.

MurDog OUT!!!


The Recital was Great

Mary Hadley is now officially a SUPER-Star. She had her big debut last night in Fayetteville. It was the big recital. She danced twice and did a great job! I was concerned that she would freeze because being on the stage is very different than being in the studio. In the studio, she can see herself in the mirror and her instructor is always standing right in front. On the stage, Mary Hadley was under the big lights and staring out into the crowd. Even with all that she did great.

I guess we thought that they would do all the numbers according to the age of the dancers. I thought Mary Hadley would be done early, but the Williams Center did a great job with the planning of the dance numbers. MH had a number early in the show, and then she had one in the second half. We couldn't pick her up until the recital was completely over.

We had planned to watch MH dance and then duck out and eat some dinner here at the house. Boy did they throw a wrench into that plan. Once MH was done dancing, almost everybody headed back to the house to get something to eat. It was 8:30 or so by then. People were plenty hungry. I stayed back at the Recital until it was over so I could take Mary Hadley home. MaMa and PaPa stayed with me because they didn't want to drive all the way to our house since the recital was already in Fayetteville.

After the recital was over, I went back stage and picked up my little superstar and took her to the lobby so that MaMa and PaPa could tell how good she did. After that we got in my truck and headed north to the house. When we arrived everyone was here and they all cheered when MH came through the door. Like I said....SUPERSTAR

MurDog OUT...

Pretty Flowers on the Square in Fayetteville.

Food from the Farmer's Market

Here is my hometown. Fayetteville. It is a beautiful place. I took these pictures the other day at the farmers market on the square.